This page provides helpful information about how to use the platform. You can use the sidebar links to navigate to what you want to know.

Upload and publish data and documents

Dataset Upload

The system allows you to upload vector data (ESRI Shapefile, csv, and zip) and raster data(GeoTIFF) in their original projections using a web form. The form also allows you to optionally upload dataset with prefered metadata (xml) and style (sld).
The upload form can be accessed through the Add Resource button on the home page for logged in users and select Upload dataset .

Some optimization should be performed on Raster (GeoTIFF) datasets before they are uploaded to GeoNode. This is particularly important for big files (>100MB), since it will affect server performance and visualization significantly. The GDAL utility programs can be employed to perform the two principal processing steps: tiling and adding overviews.

The following commands show the two steps, where the input RasterFile.tif is tiled (gdal_translate) and overviews are calculated for the output file (gdaladdo):

>>> gdal_translate -co "TILED=YES" -co "BLOCKXSIZE=512" -co "BLOCKYSIZE=512" RasterFile.tif RasterFile_optimized.tif >>> gdaladdo RasterFile_optimized.tif

For more information about Raster datasets optimization, see documentation here

You can select and upload multiple datasets as long as they don't exceed the Upload parallelism limit (5) set in the system. The form also allows you to cancel one or all uploads before they finish.

For more information regarding upload and update of datasets, see documentation here.

Document Upload

For document upload, access the Add Resource button on the home page and select the Upload document option from the dropdown. A form similar to the image below will be displayed with all the formarts accepted by the system on document upload.

For more information about managing documents see documentation here.

Creating a Dataset

To create a dataset from scratch, select Create dataset from the Add Resource dropdown on the home page. After filling in the required fields (name, title, and geometry type) click on create. You can also add attributes which will be used to describe features taht can be created on the dataset.

For more information on how to create datasets. see the GeoNode official documentation here

Making a resource public

When a new resource is uploaded or created, it's by default private. Only the owner and the administrators are able to view it.

Users permissions on a resource are still valid when the resource is used inside a derived resource. As an example, if a private image is used inside a public Geostory, any users will be able to see the Geostory but not the image inside it.

To make a resource public the Share options can be set accordingly. The Share options panel can be opened by clicking the "Share" button inside the resource page

To make a document publicly visible the "View and Download" option must be selected. For datasets either the View or the Download (to also enable the download of the resource) can be selected.

Resource visibility in the catalog

There are cases where a resoruce is uploaded only for the purpose of creating derived visualizations (maps, geostories and dashboards). As an example, an image could be uploaded just to be used inside a Geostory.

For these case the advertised attribute can be used to choose wether to show or hide such resources from search results and the catalog listing. When a resource is set as not advertised it will be listed only for their owner and the administratores

Notice that this is unrelated to the permissions set for the resource. If a resoruce is public it will still be visible to anyone (either embedded in a derived resource of standalone), but it won't be listed nor returned in search results.

A resource can be configured to be not advertised by toggling off the "advertised" flag under the Settings tab inside the Metadata edit page

When a resource is not advertised it will be marked with a yellow icon to the owner and the administrators

Create and publish data visualizations

Creating a Map

Select Create map from the Add Resource dropdown on the home page. You will be directed to a map view page where you can optionally add more features (datasets , and annotations) to the map before saving. After editing the map as prefered, click on Save then Save As, provide the title and description(optional) of the map and fianally the Save button. Your map will be created and you will be redirected to its view page.

When datasets and anotations are added to a map, you will be able to list them and edit their features.

For more information about maps, see documentation here

Creating a GeoStory

With GeoStories, you can create inspiring and immersive stories by combining text, interactive maps, and other multimedia content like images and video or other third party contents. Select Create geostory from the Add Resource dropdown on the home page to create one.

Some usefule notes:

    Resources (datasets, maps, documents) that you upload or create on SCORE will be private. Only you and the SCORE administrators are allowed to see them.
    If you want to use and share them publicly inside a Geostory, you need to enable the "View and Download" option for Anonymous users inside the Share panel
    External images can be directly embedded inside a geostory, without uploading them to SCORE first. This is only supported for images that are served over HTTPS. If your images come from HTTP URLs they will not be visible, because of the security restrictions imposed by browsers.
    In this case you can upload the images to SCORE first and then use them inside the Geostory, by selecting Geonode as the service source.

For more information on how to add content to GeoStories, see documentation here

Creating a Dashboard

Dashboards provides you with a space to add many Widgets, such as charts, maps, tables, texts and counters, and can create connections between them in order to provide an overview to better visualize a specific data context, interact spatially and analytically with the data by creating connections between widgets, perform analysis on involved data/datasets.
To create a dashboard, select Create dashboard from the Add Resource dropdown on the home page. Then click on the plus button on the left side of the page to display available widget options.

For more information on how to create and update dashboards, see documentation here

Metadata Editing

Metadata contains all the information related to the resource. It makes a resource more easily retrievable through search by other users.
The Metadata of a resource can be changed through the Edit Metadata option accessed on the view page of a resource in the dropdown for Edit on the menu. You can also upload a metadata file by choosing Upload Metadata from the Edit dropdown.

From the settings tab, you can publish and approve a resource as shown below

For more information about each the differnt types of metadata (Basic Metadata, Location and Licenses, Optional Metadata and Dataset Attibutes), see documentation here

Content organization

Resources can be categorized using Metadata Regions, keywords and categories.

For CCLL resources we invite you to assign the CCLL metadata regione so that the resource will apear in the results when filtering for that Region is applies, either from the Filter sidebar or the menu item.

In order to assign a Region to a resource, open the Edit Metadata form as described in the section above. Under the "Location and Licenses" section, you can select the Region you wold like to assign to the resource. Available options will be suggested.